Conference program
Conference papers
Conference materials
Konstantin Samuylov - Resource Loss Systems and Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks.
Michele Pagano - On the Impact of Network Protocols and Architectures on Network Performance
Anna Lozhnikova - The great reset of capitalism: from shared value to income distribution
Mais Farhadov - Opening ceremony of the 21th International Conference «Information Technologies and Mathematical Modelling»
Dear colleagues, we invite you to participate in the
21th International Conference named after A. F. Terpugov
Venue: Karshi State University, 180119, Kuchabag street, house-17, Karshi city, Uzbekistan

Conference Organizers:
National Research Tomsk State University, Russia
Karshi State University, Uzbekistan
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia
V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
V. I. Romanovsky Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Conference Objectives:
– to discuss the latest research and practical results on information and telecommunication technologies, mathematical modelling, artificial intelligence, digital economy and other important areas of scientific research and technical developments;
– to integrate scientific knowledge and practice;
– to define important advanced long-term directions of scientific research and practical developments;
– to enhance the role of higher educational institutions and scientific research organizations in establishing educational environment.
Topics of the conference:
- Mathematical modeling and analysis of performance of 5G networks and subsequent generations.
- Theoretical and technological foundations of artificial intelligence, data mining and visualization, machine learning and semantic modeling systems.
- Applied probabilistic analysis.
- Mathematical teletraffic theory and queueing theory.
- Statistical methods of information processing for complex stochastic systems.
- Information technologies and their application (in engineering, natural sciences, economics, education, humanities and other fields).
- Mathematical and computer modeling of technological processes.
- Geoinformation systems and technologies.
- Software engineering.
Conference tracks:
- Mathematical theory of teletraffic and queuing theory.
- Mathematical and computer modeling in engineering, natural sciences, economics, education and the humanities.
- Modeling of telecommunications networks.
- Information technology and software engineering.
Within the framework of the conference, an international symposium is held «MODERN STOCHASTIC MODELS & PROBLEMS OF ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS MAMMOTH – 2022».
Topics of the symposium:
- Stochastic analysis.
- Actuarial mathematics and algebraic structures.
- Dynamic systems.
- Modern methods of teaching mathematics.
- Modern problems of the economy.
Form of the conference: plenary and sectional talks with the ability to connect and participate online.
Working languages: Russian and English.
Conference Web-site:
Conference papers
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Proceedings of the Conference (short reports, up to 6 pages) will be published as a volume of papers. Please, follow the requirements and use the template in Russian or the template in English to type your paper.
The revised selected papers on Queueing Theory and its applications will be published as a separate volume of the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series Springer Verlag. Please, use the template to prepare your paper. The volume of the paper should be 12-15 pages. Previous ITMM proceedings on SpringerLink
Proceedings must contain original results not published in other publications (the originality of papers is at least 75%).
The Program Committee reserves the right to reject reports that do not correspond to the subject of the conference and the specified requirements. The acceptance of materials for publication will be notified to the e-mail address specified during registration. |
Important dates
October 10, 2022: acceptance decision.
October 25-29, 2022: Conference days.
International Program Committee
Shavkat Ayupov (Uzbekistan) – general chair
Azam Imomov (Uzbekistan) – co-chair
Svetlana Moiseeva (Russia) – co-chair
Anatoly Nazarov (Russia) – co-chair
Alexander Moiseev (Russia) – co-chair
Utkir Rozikov (Uzbekistan) – co-chair
Khalid Al-Begain (Kuwait) Ivan Atencia (Spain) Srinivas Chakravarthy (USA) Tadeusz Czachorski (Poland) Rui Dinis (Portugal) Dmitry Efrosinin (Austria) Mais Farhadov (Russia) Yulia Gaydamaka (Russia) Erol Gelenbe (Great Britain) Alexander Gortsev (Russia) Bara Kim (Korea) Che Soong Kim (Korea) Udo Krieger (Germany) Achyutha Krishnamoorthy (India) Krishna Kumar (India) Quan-Lin Li (China) Yury Malinkovsky (Belarus) Agassi Melikov (Azerbaijan) Tareq Hamadneh (Jordan) Gulnara Raimova (Uzbekistan) Ravshan Ashurov (Uzbekistan) Akhmadjon Soleev (Uzbekistan) Abror Khudayberdiyev (Uzbekistan) Djozil Tahirov (Uzbekistan) Muzaffar Rahmatullaev (Uzbekistan) Karimbergan Kudaybergenov (Uzbekistan) Sevdiyor Imomkulov (Uzbekistan) Dilmurod Boytillaev (Uzbekistan) Shakir Formanov (Uzbekistan) |
Dmitri Moltchanov (Finland) Paulo Montezuma-Carvalho (Portugal) Evsey Morozov (Russia) Valery Naumov (Finland) Rein Nobel (The Netherlands) Michele Pagano (Italy) Tuan Phung-Duc (Japan) Jacques Resing (The Netherlands) Vladimir Rykov (Russia) Konstantin Samuylov (Russia) Sergey Suschenko (Russia) Janos Sztrik (Hungary) Henk Tijms (The Netherlands) Oleg Tikhonenko (Poland) Gurami Tsitsiashvili (Russia) Vladimir Vishnevsky (Russia) Anton Voitishek (Russia) Vladimir Zadorozhny (Russia) Alexander Zamyatin (Russia) Andrey Zorin (Russia) Amdjed Zraiqat (Jordan) Mohammad Ahmad Alia (Jordan) Stanislav Shidlovskiy (Russia) Shahjahan Khan (Australia) Shakir Formanov (Uzbekistan) Abdulla Azamov (Uzbekistan) Sherzod Mirakhmedov (Uzbekistan) Abdurahim Abdushukurov (Uzbekistan) Yakubdjan Husanbaev (Uzbekistan) Olimjon Sharipov (Uzbekistan) |
Local Organizing Committee
Azam Imomov (Karshi State University, Karshi) –chair
Svetlana Moiseeva (TSU, Tomsk) – co-chair
Svetlana Paul (TSU, Tomsk) – co-chair
Golijon Botirov (IM, Uzbekistan) – co-chair
Valentina Broner (TSU, Tomsk) Elena Danilyuk (TSU, Tomsk) Ekaterina Fedorova (TSU, Tomsk) Irina Kochetkova (RUDN, Moscow) Ivan Lapatin (TSU, Tomsk) Andrey Larionov (ICS RAS, Moscow) Olga Lizura (TSU, Tomsk) Utkir Rozikov (IM, Uzbekistan) Yakubzhan Husanbaev (IM, Uzbekistan) Nodir Holmirzaev (KarSU, Uzbekistan) Abdulhamid Holmurodov (KarSU, Uzbekistan) Jahongir Azimov (IM, Uzbekistan) Abror Meyliev (KarSU, Uzbekistan) Ekaterina Lisovskaya (TSU, Tomsk) |
Anna Morozova (TSU, Tomsk) Ekaterina Pankratova (ICS RAS, Moscow) Svetlana Rozhkova (TPU, Tomsk) Daria Semenova (SFU, Krasnoyarsk) Maria Shklennik (TSU, Tomsk) Alexey Shkurkin (TSU, Tomsk) Konstantin Voytikov (MIPT, Moscow) Dmitry Shashev (TSU, Tomsk) Ekaterina Fedorova (TSU, Tomsk) Hurshid Djumakulov (KokandSPI, Uzbekistan) Mumin Abulov (KarSU, Uzbekistan) Abdimumin Abdurahmanov (KarSU, Uzbekistan) Bayramali Tursunov (KarSU, Uzbekistan) |
Organizing committee contact information:
Address: Tomsk State University, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 634050, Lenina ave. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Contact: Azam Imomov (Karshi State University, Karshi) E-mail: Phone: +998-93-421-95-83
Address: Karshi State University, 180119, Kuchabag street, house-17, Karshi city, Uzbekistan.
Conference agenda
October, 24
Check-in and accommodation of conference participants.
For booking inquiries please contact
Recommended hotels:
October, 25
Opening of the conference, plenary talks.
October, 26
Sectional talks.
Banquet for all conference participants.
October, 27
Excursion day (Samarkand).
The work of sections for online conference participants.
October, 28
October, 29
Closing of the conference. Round table.
Organization fee:
Participation without presentations – free.
Online participation – 2 000 RUB per paper ($ 35),
for students – 1 000 RUB per paper ($ 20).
Offline participation – 5 000 RUB per paper ($ 75),
for students – 2 500 RUB per paper ($ 35).
The organization fee includes:
- the costs of information support of the conference (website support, information messages, conference program, online technologies),
- preparation (reviewing, proofreading and editing) and release of conference materials,
- promotion of publications in peer-reviewed databases,
- certificates for full-time participants, diplomas for the winners of the competition works of young scientists (for participants under 35 years old),
- covering postage for sending a hard copy of the collection.
Excursions and a banquet are for an additional fee (in cash).
Russian version of the Conference Web-site: