WRQ 2018

12th International Workshop on Retrial Queues and Related Topics  WRQ 2018

Tomsk, Russia

September 10-15, 2018

Host organizer: Tomsk State University
Dates: September 10-15, 2018
Venue: Tomsk State University, 634050, Lenina ave. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation
International Program Committee:
Anatoly Nazarov - chair
Alexander Dudin,
Antonis Economou,
Antonio Gomez-Corral,
Bara Kim,
B. Krishna Kumar,
Rein Nobel,
Tuan Phung-Duc,
Jacques Resing,
and Maria-Jesus Lopez-Herrero as a “patroness” of the Workshop
Local organizing committee:
Alexander Moiseev - chair
Elena Danilyuk,
Ekaterina Fedorova,
Ivan Lapatin,
Svetlana Paul

Important dates:
September 10, 2018 Arrivals day
September 11-14, 2018 Opening Ceremony (approximately at 10:00), Plenary Talks, Sessions
September 15, 2018 Departures day

Program of WRQ and ITMM 

WRQ Proceedings 


The workshop is held in conjunction with the International ConferenceInformation Technologies and Mathematical Modelling” ITMM-2018. The conference has a strong branch on the Queueing Theory. Revised papers in this field are traditionally published as a thematic volume of Communications in Computer and Information Science series. 

Contact person:
Alexander Moiseev, moiseev.tsu@gmail.com