Vladimir Rykov. Decomposable semi-Regenerative Processes and their Applications
Dmitry Molchanov. Terahertz wireless networks: applications, challenges, and early solutions
Michele Pagano. Binary and multi-class classification in network anomaly detection using deep neural networks
Rui Dinis. Working with a Huge Number of Antennas in 5G and Beyond: Challenges and Opportunities
Ruben Kerobyan, Khanik Mark Kerobyan Virtual waiting time in single-server queueing model M|G|1 with unreliable server and catastrophes
Conference video recordings
02.04.2020. Opening ceremony
02.12.2020. Plenary talk. Rui Dinis
02.12.2020. Plenary talk. Vladimir Rykov
02.12.2020. TRACK «QUEUING THEORY AND APPLICATION 2» / СЕКЦИЯ «Теория массового обслуживания 2»
03.12.2020. Plenary talk. Dmitry Molchanov. Michele Pagano
03.12.2020. Agassi Melikov. Analyses of feedback queue with positive server setup time and impatient calls
03.12.2020. TRACK «QUEUING THEORY AND APPLICATION 4» / СЕКЦИЯ «Теория массового обслуживания 4»
TRACK «QUEUING THEORY AND APPLICATION 5» / СЕКЦИЯ «Теория массового обслуживания 5»
04.12.2020. TRACK «QUEUING THEORY AND APPLICATION 6» / СЕКЦИЯ «Теория массового обслуживания 6»
04.12.2020. TRACK «MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF COMMUNICATION NETWORKS» / СЕКЦИЯ «Математическое моделирование телекоммуникационных сетей»
04.12.2020. TRACK «INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION» / СЕКЦИЯ «Интеллектуальный анализ данных и визуализация»
Dear colleagues,
we invite you to participate in the
19th International Conference named after A. F. Terpugov
Venue: National Research Tomsk State University, 634050, Lenina av. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Platform: using technologies for online conferences
Conference Organizers:
Tomsk State University
International Computer Science Continues Professional Development Center
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences
Conference Objectives:
– to discuss the latest research and hands-on results in the field of information technologies and mathematical modelling;
– to integrate scientific knowledge and practice;
– to define important advanced long-term directions of scientific research and practical developments;
– to enhance the role of higher educational institutions and scientific research organizations in establishing educational environment.
Topics of the conference:
- Information technologies and their application (in engineering, natural sciences, economics, education, humanities and other fields);
- Mathematical and computer modelling of technological processes;
- Intelligent data analysis and visualization;
- Modelling and simulation of telecommunication networks;
- Applied probabilistic analysis;
- Queuing theory;
- Optimization and operations research;
- Computing;
- Software engineering;
- Information and computer security;
- Economic and mathematical modeling;
- Digital business;
- Discrete systems;
- Geoinformatics;
- other scientific fields under the scope of the conference.
The scientific program of IТММ includes plenary and in-session presentations in remote mode using online conference platforms.
Working languages: Russian and English.
Conference Web-site: http://itmmconf.ru/
Conference papers
Proceedings of the Conference.
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The revised selected papers on Queueing Theory and its applications are published as a separate volume of the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series Springer Verlag. Link: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-33388-1 |
Important dates
September, 1 – November, 15: registration and uploading short reports on uconfy.com
November, 25: acceptance decision
December, 2 – 5: Conference days
December, 15: final date for uploading extended papers for CCIS volume
January, 15, 2021: decision about acceptance of extended papers for CCIS volume
Organization fee
Participation without presentations – free.
Participation with short paper in the Conference Proceedings – 1 000 RUB.
Participation with extended paper in CCIS volume – 3 000 RUB.
Detail information about how to pay will be available after submissions acceptance.
International Program Committee
Alexander Dudin (Belarus) – general chair
Anatoly Nazarov (Russia) – co-chair
Khalid Al-Begain (United Kingdom) Ivan Atencia (Spain) Pedro Cabral (Portugal) Pau Fonseca i Casas (Spain) Srinivas Chakravarthy (USA) Bong Dae Choi (Korea) Tadeusz Czachorski (Poland) Rui Dinis (Portugal) Dmitry Efrosinin (Austria) Mais Farhadov (Russia) Yulia Gaydamaka (Russia) Erol Gelenbe (United Kingdom) Alexander Gortsev (Russia) Bara Kim (Korea) Che Soong Kim (Korea) Udo Krieger (Germany) Achyutha Krishnamoorthy (India) Krishna Kumar (India) Quan-Lin Li (China) Yury Malinkovsky (Belarus) Mikhail Matalytski(Belarus) Gennady Medvedev (Belarus) Agassi Melikov (Azerbaijan) |
Alexander Moiseev (Russia) Svetlana Moiseeva (Russia) Paulo Montezuma-Carvalho (Portugal) Evsey Morozov (Russia) Valery Naumov (Finland) Rein Nobel (The Netherlands) Michele Pagano (Italy) Tuan Phung-Duc (Japan) Thomas B. Preußer (Germany) Jacques Resing (The Netherlands) Vladimir Rykov (Russia) Konstantin Samuylov (Russia) Daniel Stamate (United Kingdom) Sergey Suschenko (Russia) Janos Sztrik (Hungary) Henk Tijms (The Netherlands) Oleg Tikhonenko (Poland) Gurami Tsitsiashvili (Russia) Vladimir Vishnevsky (Russia) Anton Voitishek (Russia) Vladimir Zadorozhny (Russia) Alexander Zamyatin (Russia) Andrey Zorin (Russia) |
Local Organizing Committee
Svetlana Moiseeva (TSU, Tomsk) – chair
Svetlana Paul (TSU, Tomsk) – co-chair
Valentina Broner (TSU, Tomsk) Elena Danilyuk (TSU, Tomsk) Ekaterina Fedorova (TSU, Tomsk) Anastasiya Galileiskaya (TSU, Tomsk) Elena Glukhova (MIPT, Moscow) Yana Izmailova (TSU, Tomsk) Irina Kochetkova (RUDN, Moscow) Ivan Lapatin (TSU, Tomsk) |
Ekaterina Lisovskaya (RUDN, Moscow) Olga Lizura (TSU, Tomsk) Anna Morozova (TSU, Tomsk) Svetlana Rozhkova (TPU, Tomsk) Daria Semenova (SFU, Krasnoyarsk) Maria Shklennik (TSU, Tomsk) Alexey Shkurkin (TSU, Tomsk) Konstantin Voytikov (MIPT, Moscow) |
Organizing committee contact information:
Contact: Svetlana Moiseeva E-mail: itmmconf@gmail.com
Phone: +7-952-899-64-27
Address: Tomsk State University, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 634050, Lenina ave. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Russian version of the Conference Web-site: http://itmmconf.tsu.ru.
Site administrator: itmmconf@gmail.com